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Monica Gutierrez Kirwan

Accessing Student's NYC Schools Account. See test scores, grades, attendance and more...

On your NYC Schools Account, you can monitor things like grades, test scores, attendance, transportation, reading level, and much more!) You can also sign the COVID consent form, right in your child's account. Letters with your student’s unique access codes to add your student to the NYC Schools Account have been emailed or backpacked to all families.

To Set Up a Basic NYC Schools Account and Receive Notifications from the DOE: You can create a basic account without an account creation code, but to link your student to the account, you'll need the code.

To Add A Student to your NYC Schools Account: To add a student to your account you will need your child's letter with the unique access code to set up the account. NYCSA letters were emailed to families, please do a search on all email accounts, the email was titled Important: Your Child's NYC Schools Account and ID.

IMPORTANT: This NYC Schools Account is not the same system as the MySchools account that you might have used to apply to Pre-K, Kindergarten or Middle School.


I already have an account but I forgot my password.

If you have already created an account but forgot your password, please go to the NYCSA account page and click on “Forgot your password?”. Make sure you type in the correct email you think you might have used when you originally created your account.

I am still having trouble accessing my account

If you get a message saying “contact the school to reset your account”, or if you are having any other issues accessing your account, email Monica at


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