Registration Policies
Thank you for your interest in PS 29!
We are a zoned school that is also taking part in the D15 Diversity in Admissions (DIA) initiative. If you are not sure whether you live in our zone, please refer to this zone map. Learn more about the DIA initiative here.
Please visit the NYC DOE website for more information about the Pre-K Admissions Process and Kindergarten Admissions Process.
If you would like to inquire about admissions for a student in 1st-5th grade, please visit our Grades 1-5 Admissions page.
PS29 Admissions
To learn more about the PS29 Admissions process, please visit...
Immigrant Families
The Department of Education (DOE) and the Mayor’s Office are committed to protecting the right of every student to attend public school, regardless of immigration status, national origin, or religion. The United States Supreme Court has also recognized the importance of public education for all students, including undocumented students. Please visit NYCDOE's Immigrant Families page to learn more about the policies protecting immigrant families.
El Departamento de Educación (DOE) y la Oficina del Alcalde están comprometidos a proteger el derecho de cada estudiante a asistir a la escuela pública, independientemente de su estatus migratorio, origen nacional o religión. La Corte Suprema de los Estados Unidos también ha reconocido la importancia de la educación pública para todos los estudiantes, incluidos los estudiantes indocumentados. Visite la página de familias inmigrantes del NYCDOE para obtener más información sobre las políticas que protegen a las familias inmigrantes.