Wellness Committee
The Wellness Committee was created to support the health and
wellness of the P.S.29 community and to build student skills
to care for their bodies and for the Earth.
The Wellness Committee is broken into THREE work teams
which meet from 5-8 times over the school year:
Our Food
The Garden/Food/Nutrition team works to support the PS29 Children's garden and healthy food choices throughout the school. We assist the science teachers in planning the garden's priorities, scheduling garden events, watering the garden, planning volunteer shifts, and leading new initiatives that involve the garden. The Food and Nutrition team promotes the education about and provision of healthy food choices throughout the school.
Earth Day (April), Harvest Week (October), Garden Maintenance (watering, weeding, planting, etc.), Super Science Saturday
Our Body(ies)
The Move-it/ Mindfulness Committee team encourages our students and their families to participate in physical activities and educate on the importance of daily exercise and share spread and incorporate mindfulness activities throughout the community at PS29. – while also having FUN with friends!
Move It! Mornings, PS29 Running Club, the PS29 Fun Run, “Kick Butts” day, Learn to Bike Events, Yoga, Meditation, Mindfulness Training for Teachers
Our World
This team supports the science teachers in building student awareness and action around ecological wellness, and supports waste reduction and sustainable product choices for PTA events. Team members can also help as Green Club parents who assist students to support composting and recycling, and develop ideas and guidelines on environmentally friendly alternatives.
Green Team (4th and 5th grade students), Earth Day, EVERY School event that involves food and managing recycling, composting/sorting, Spring Beach Clean-up, Reducing Plastic Bags at Lunch education

The Wellness Committee is always looking for
new members to support our many initiatives!
To learn more, email the committee at wellness@ps29bk.org