Sunday, Dec. 8, 11am-3pm in the schoolyard!
Eat Pie + Shop is on Rain or Shine!
Based on the current forecast, we are still hoping that Eat Pie + Shop will be in the schoolyard. However if the forecast changes, we will be able able to hold it inside the school.
Volunteers Needed
We are still in need of volunteers for this Sunday's event. There are so many ways to be involved. Volunteer positions include serving pies, setting up the event, selling tickets or working the inaugural flower bar. Check out the options here!
We NEED PIES - Savory or sweet, store-bought or homemade! Our goal is 300+ so please donate as many as you can.
CONTEST: The classroom who brings in the most pies WINS A PIZZA PARTY!
HOW-TO: Pre-slice your pie so that each slice is worth $5 (example 10” pie = 6 slices), label your pie with a name and make sure to bake in a disposable tin.
Pie Contest Update!
A reminder that due to an overwhelming number of pies entered in past years, we are asking that anyone who wants to enter a pie into this year's Celebrity-Judged Pie Contest please register ahead of time by completing this form.